Faculty of Dentistry


Prospects and brief introduction about faculty of Stomatology of Khatam Al-Nabieen University (pbuh): the people who live in rural and remote areas of our beloved country are not having adequately access to dental care services and so far they have been treated by traditionally experienced and unprofessional people. The actions taken by these unprofessional people in the tooth section are harmful to the health of the people and on the other hand, cause transmission of viral and infectious diseases among the people.

On the other hand, in the cities of our beloved countries, a number of technicians and Dentures, just after two years of study, attend dental care services that do not have sufficient expertise and experience to provide standardized services to our peoples. Health services in the dental sector, both in cities and in rural areas, are not enough professional, therefore they transmit viral and infectious diseases to the people.

Considering the fact that in the tooth section, there has been only one faculty within the framework of Kabul Medical University at the national level which is not enough to provide dental services throughout the country. Therefore, Khatam Alnnabieen University postulated to establish the Faculty of Dentistry (Stomatology) at the Khatam Al Nabieen University, in order to train specialist and in order to fill the gaps in the country. They will provide standard dental care in the near future in the dental sector, and all our compatriots who are living in cities and distant areas will benefit from standardized dental care services and they will play effective role in controlling the high prevalence of infectious and viral diseases imposed by unprofessional people. This faculty was formally established by the Khatam Al Nnabieen University in 2016 with the official permit number 182.1818 granted by the Ministry of Higher Education of the country.

The Prospect of Stomatology faculty of Khatam Al Nabieen University (pbuh)

  1. Training young professional doctors in the sector of stomatology
  2. Training dedicated and specialist doctor in the field of stomatology
  3. Educational upgrade of those individuals who have completed their two year studies in this area as DMD (Dental Master Degree) or STO
  4. Professionalize young ruralist in order to replace those who provide unprofessional dentistry services in the deprived and remote areas.



Content introduction:

According to the educational regulations of this university, the period of this course is at least six years and maximum eight years, and each student can choose minimum 14 credits and maximum 21 credits in each semester while there are three following stages:

Para-clinic (Basic) – 2 years

Clinic – 3 years

internship – 1 year

  1. Para-clinic (Basic): The duration of this phase is 2 years. At this stage, students study basic courses which means the first phase of general and specialized courses.
  2. Clinic: consists of two parts.

A) Teaching students at the bedside of patients in hospitals

B) Teaching theoretical courses in Faculty

  1. Internship: The goal of this stage is to develop skills, strengthen decision-making power, increase self-esteem and therefore, they are given the responsibility to directly encounter with diagnostic problems and patient treatment; the desired time for this period is one year.

 Monograph (thesis)

Monograph aims to Reveal the individual and scientific abilities of students and also train them in order to acquire scientific and research skills for the future. The monograph in this section is 6 credits, and each student must specify it under the supervision of an advisor at least one year before to the end of the course, and defend it before graduation.

The features of faculty of Stomatology at Khatam Al Nnabieen University (pbuh)

  1. Experienced and capable professors (Master and PhD);
  2. Having well-equipped educational and dental services within khatam Al Nabieen Medical University. In fact, Khatam Al Nabieen medical university is one very few private universities, which has a very well-equipped and facilitated hospital in the country.
  3. Special cooperation and research facilities for Elite Students
  4. Providing facilities for continuing education abroad (during the period of training and expertise)
  5. Proper fee: being affordable by majority of people in the community

A) no tax;

B) Flexible installment of fees throughout the entire period of education;

Scope of work (ability of individuals after graduation)

  1. After they successfully pass their assigned courses, they will have the ability to work: As a treating doctor in different sections, as general teeth practitioner, or teeth orthopedic, children teeth, teeth surgery and so on.
  2. As a Director, manager and etc… at hospitals and other health centers;
  3. Ability to act as researcher of health topics in the dental sector;
  4. Expert and advisor on health topics in the dental sector;
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