Signing of a bilateral cooperation agreement between Khatam Al-Nabieen University (PBUH) and Kabul Polytechnic University

🔹Khatam-Al-Nabieen University and Kabul Polytechnic University signed a bilateral cooperation memorandum.

This memorandum was signed on Tuesday, 28th of Arch 1402 with the coordination of Public Relations and International Affairs Directorate of Khatam-Al-Nabieen University (pbuh) and hosted by Kabul Polytechnic University with the presence of Vice President of Students, Head of Research, Head of Quality Assurance and Planning and Chief of Office of Khatam-Al-Nabieen University (pbuh) and President , the vice-chancellors and heads of some faculties of Kabul Polytechnic University were signed

Mr. Rashid Iqbal, President of Polytechnic University, while welcoming the officials of Khatam-Al-Nabieen University; He considered Kabul Polytechnic University to be one of the largest and most reliable educational and specialized engineering centers in Afghanistan and stated that its strategic goal is to train staff and experts in all fields and specialized sectors for the government sector and the labor market. .

Engineer Rashid Iqbal explained the importance of the joint work of prestigious public and private universities and added that public and private universities have many points in common for mutual cooperation, while the point of difference is only their source of funding. This means that public universities are funded by the government and private universities depend on student fees.

Mr. Iqbal expressed his hope that the continuation of this official meeting will be the next joint scientific and research meetings between both universities, so that in this way we can take effective steps in the direction of transferring experiences and knowledge for the education of the children of the country.

Then Mr. Ruhollah Sadeghi, Vice President of Students; Khatam-Al-Nabieen (pbuh) University is one of the private institutions of higher education with credibility and added: Khatam-Al-Nabieen (pbuh) University was established in 1386 Hijri by the efforts of the country’s jurist, the late Ayatollah Uzma Mohseni (r.a.) and the collective efforts of intellectuals, with the official permission of the honorable ministry. Afghanistan’s higher education has been established.

Professor Sadeghi reminded that Khatam-Al-Nabieen University (pbuh) is one of the most important non-governmental scientific centers, providing a suitable scientific and research environment and standard facilities and equipment, which has provided the field for cooperation, teaching and research among elites and professors.
Currently, more than 60 permanent faculty members and 150 contract professors with doctorate and master’s degrees are engaged in teaching and research in this university, and more than a hundred employees are working in various administrative, service and security departments in this university. .

Professor Sadeghi added that Khatam-Al-Nabieen (pbuh) University, with the slogan of commitment and expertise, is engaged in the training of committed and specialized human forces, and thank God, many public and private cadres are graduates of this university. The graduates of Khatam-Al-Nabieen University are serving the country in the most important positions in both government and private educational institutions.

According to Professor Sadeghi, one of the most important advantages of Khatam-Al-Nabieen University is that this university does not have a commercial outlook and does not expect to gain material and financial profit from its activities, but its goal is to educate the children of the country and provide quality educational services. This characteristic of the university has made it successful and distinguished it among other universities.

🔸 In the following, the officials of both institutions on the axes of joint cooperation between Khatam-Al-Nabieen University and Kabul Polytechnic University and using the capacities of the two universities in holding study opportunities for the professors of the two universities, cooperation in launching new courses, creating joint courses between the two universities, holding specialized meetings, especially in The fields of engineering and computer science emphasized.


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