The Celebration of Scientific Accreditation of Khatam Al-Nabeen University (PBUH)

The Celebration of Scientific Accreditation of Khatam Al-Nabeen University (PBUH) which had earlier obtained its certificate from the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Department of the Ministry of Higher Education was held on Wednesday, April 12, 2021. The event was held at Kabul Intercontinental Hotel with a large attendance of scientific, cultural figures, and government officials. Dr. Abbas Basir, the Minister of Higher Education, Dr. Wahid Majrooh, acting Minister of Public Health, Representative of the Indonesian Embassy, Mr. Burhanuddin Niazi, Deputy Minister of the Academy of Sciences of Afghanistan, members of the evaluation board of the Ministry of Higher Education, and a number of parliamentarians, graduates and representatives of Students were among the participants in the program.

The program started with playing an anthem and continued with delivering speeches, an exhibition of the scientific and research achievements and also showing a documentary covering the 13 years of activities of the university.

Dr. Mohammad Wahid Binesh, the chancellor of Khatam al-Nabeen University (PBUH), while welcoming the guests and participants of this great celebration, congratulated this important achievement to all university officials, professors, and others pasgol giriş staffs who took part in the promotion and development of the university. He said that participation in social development and addressing the daily issues of the country is the major mission of the university. Highlighting the role of Khatam al-Nabeen University (PBUH) in the mentioned fields, bet10bet giriş
he said Girls’ education, fighting against corruption, reform of the judicial system, ways to achieve peace, and institutionalization of human rights values are at the center of the university’s educational and research programs.”
.Dr. Abbas Basir, the Minister of Higher Education, also named Khatam al-Nabeen University (PBUH) as one of the proud universities of the country and added that in a situation where most of the universities cannot provide the labor force needed by the market to society, Khatam al-Nabeen University (PBUH), to some extent, has overcome to this problem and its graduates are attracted to the labor market.

Dr. Ali Ahmad Makarem Bakhtiari, Vice Chancellor for Science and Teaching at the University, welcomed the guests and expressed his gratitude to the professors of Khatam al-Nabieen University. Then, inviting Dr. Abdul Qayyum Sajjadi, he awarded a plaque of appreciation for his decades of honorable efforts as a chancellor of the university.
Dr. Abdul Qayyum Sajjadi, the former chancellor of the university and the people’s representative in the National Assembly, also expressed his gratitude to all the human resources of the university and linked the success of the university with their sincere efforts of the personnel. Dr. Sajjadi described the current problem of Afghanistan in fulfilling the slogan of commitment and expertise of this university and added that due to the lack of committed and specialized manpower, the opportunities of the last 20 years have been wasted in the country.

Dr. Vahid Majrooh, the honorable head of the Ministry of Public Health, emphasized the credibility of Khatam al-Nabeen University (PBUH) as a suitable platform for science production, but he criticized the approach of some educational institutions and stated that the activities of some educational institutions are focused on business and they faced a kind of confusion. Dr. Majrooh praised the scientific and research activities of the universities and added that the results of the university research should be used and the use of such research outcome should become a culture. Mr. Majrooh has announced his readiness to sign a memorandum of understanding between Khatam al-Nabieen University (PBUH) and the Ministry of Public Health, adding that he welcomes any efforts by educational institutions to improve the health situation in the country.

Mr. Niazi, the Vice-Chancellor of the Academy of bet10bet güncel giriş
Sciences of Afghanistan, also linked the rescue from the existing problems of the society such as poverty, ignorance, tyranny, and peace to the realization of the Khatam al-Nabieen University slogan. Mr. Niazi considered peace and tolerance as two inevitable principles of society, adding that war and conflict is a natural thing but disputes must lead to peace and be resolved peacefully.

The exhibition, which was held at the venue, showed the scientific and research achievements of the university. It was included 35 titles of university professors’ books, 10 titles of international articles of the University Research and Technology Center, judging documents of international articles from the university address, 5 titles of the university scientific-research quarterly in three fields, 7 titles of student journals, and medicinal plants used in the research and technology center.In addition, there were large number medals of honors that more beautified the show program.

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