A scientific conference which was titled: “Peace Dialogues, Islamic Brotherhood and Citizenship Equality” was held at Khatam al-Nabieen University.

A scientific conference which was titled: “Peace Dialogues, Islamic Brotherhood and Citizenship Equality” was held at Khatam al-Nabieen University. This program was held on Monday, October 5, 2020 in the presence of the university chancellor, vice-chancellor and professors of Khatam al-Nabieen University (PBUH). Dr. Abdul Qayyum Sajjadi, Ghazni MP,  as one of the speakers at the meeting, spoke about the prospects of lasting peace and ways to achieve it.

At the beginning of his speaking, he divided peace into two categories: positive and negative peace. He said the people of Afghanistan is in the pursuit of positive peace or lasting peace in Afghanistan. “ Negative peace simply means an  end to war temporarily but will not fundamentally solve the problem of the citizens,” Mr Sajjadi said. According to Dr. Sajjadi, the establishment of a lasting and positive peace depends on observing rights of all citizens. The current dialogue in Qatar will not lead to a lasting and just peace unless  consider the fundamental rights of citizens, equal citizenship rights, respect for all Islamic religions and women’s rights.

In another part of his speech, Mr. Sajjadi stated that any monopoly of the power and politics would jeopardize the lasting peace and future of Afghanistan. According to him, the lasting peace will not be achieved if the current peace talks do not focus on eradicating the roots of discrimination, prejudice, injustice, ignoring rights of some discriminated citizens. And any pretexts for neglecting equal rights of citizens or any pretexts for not destroying the grounds or roots of discrimination will not led to lasting peace in the country.  However, it may lead to a negative peace; means, temporarily put an end to the war. The instrumental use of religion and the extremist interpretation of Islamic law will also jeopardize Islamic peace, brotherhood, and citizenship equality in Afghanistan.
Markabet Güncel Giriş
According to Dr. Sajjadi, the people of Afghanistan are in favor of a political system that guarantees both Islamic values ​​and a modern way of life. The formation of this system can be achieved by observing the current constitution of Afghanistan. According to him, the current constitution of Afghanistan is unique in the region and in the Islamic world, and it includes both Islamic values ​​and the basic human rights of citizens to have a modern life.

Mawlawi Zabihullah Atiq, the representative of the people of Badakhshan in parliament as another speaker at the scientific meeting, described the current management of the peace process challenging. Mr. Atiq said, the Afghan people are the main parties in the process because  they have paid the costs of the war. In this process, the Afghan people must be the final decision makers. Otherwise, the Afghan peace and war actors are seeking their own interests,” .
Markabet Giriş

In other part his speaking, Maulvi Atiq said, “Some people want to trouble the water to fish in; they are trying to stir up ethnic-religious issues in this turbulent situation, but the people of Afghanistan have come to believe that bringing lasting peace depends on the fact that rights of no group should be avoided in the  country. He said, “among Sunni citizens, there are the different followers of different Islamic branch such as Hanbali, Shafi’i, Maliki and Hanafi Islamic branch and the fatwas of these four branch of religions are different in some cases but no one has the right to deprive the rights and freedoms any religious branch or followers”.

Mr. Atiq described Shia or Jafari religion as one of the most  popular religions in Afghanistan and added that no one has the right to deprive the followers of this religion from accessing to their rights by making extreme interpretations from Sharia and Islamic values. Mr. Atiq likened the ethnic and religious diversity to colorful flowers in the country. the only way to end the war in Afghanistan is to have a spirit of forbearance and tolerance of one another. Afghan citizens must embrace each other to end decades of war in the country.

Reporter: Mohammad Amin Resalat



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