The Seventh Graduate Festival at Khatam Al Nabieen University (pbuh)

Khalij Hotel, located on the kabul airfield Road.

The graduation ceremony of the students of Sharia and law, political science and economics, engineering, midwifery, and computer scientist was held as best as possible. Various programs were implemented by the Cultural-Educational Department. The good planners of this program were Mr. Gholam Hazrat Hosseini Baran and Mrs. Nikzad who were also of the new graduates that planned the program as the following.

  1. Reciting the Holy Quran: First, Mr. Moradi, a famous holy Quran reciter of the country, also a student of Khatam Al Nabieen University, started a beautiful graduation ceremony with an attractive reading of several verses from the Holy Quran.


  1. Playing the National Anthem of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan: The next program was the national anthem of the country, inviting everyone to stand in respect to the national anthem which is the symbol of our solidarity and national identity.


  1. Dr. Mohammadi’s speech, the academic assistant of Khatam Al Nabieen University: at the beginning of his speech, he thanked and appreciated all the professors of the university and colleagues for their collaboration with the educational activity of the university and also congratulated the families and students on their graduation ceremony: for the purpose having a good place in the community, a young person of the country need consolidate its place by getting more education, no students should stop studies at this level as with more knowledge and science they can achieve higher levels power and can become more capable. Your ability and power is in your study and acquire of more science and knowledge.


  1. One of the important parts of this program was the speech of Dr. Abdul-Qayum Sajadi. He, the president of the Khatam Al Nabieen University, initially congratulated the students and students’ families as well as the professors of Khatam Al Nabineen University on the 7th graduation festival and drew attention of student to the responsibility they have after their graduation. Mr. Sajjadi, in a part of his speech, added: “I hope that you, graduates will apply for a master’s degree and higher courses and do not suffice to the bachelor’s degree. He said that the graduation does not mean completion, but only a part of our education is over, and the route continues, because the Prophet of Islam has already guided that you need to seek education from cradle to graveyard. Dr. Sajadi also added: “Today is the best day for me to participate in the celebration of the graduate students, and today we are celebrating many years of our hard work and I am glad that I have been able to provide the smallest service to the suffering people of Afghanistan, and this is the promotion of the young talents of this country and delivery. These elites will be the source of services to the oppressed and suffering people of Islamic republic of Afghanistan.


  1. The Minister of Higher Education, Mr. Najibullah Khwaja Omari, praised and thanked the prestigious place of Khatam Al Nabieen University (pbuh) and, said: “This university is an honor to the country’s scientific community, also asked students to save Afghanistan and the people’s from ignorance, with your continuation to study for reaching the higher levels. 


  1. Performance of National Anthem of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan by second branch Khatam School was One of the most interesting and fascinating events of this celebration. The students cheered the audience with the execution of a patriotic song supporting the national unity and the military of country and honoring the blood of the martyrs of the land, and finally were warmly encouraged by all the participants.


  1. The last speaker of the event was Mr. Kamawal, the head of Higher Education Universities and private institutions in the Ministry of higher education. He thanked from the officials of Khatam Al Nabieen University for the special status and position of Khatam Al Nabieen University among the private institutions and private universities and stated that with the various criteria and indicators that the Ministry of Education assessed, Khatam Al Nabeen University (PBUH) has been able to rank first. Mr. Kamawal also added that the Ministry of Education intends to issue diploma for all students who have graduated from private universities, and this process will start from Khatam Al Nabieen University.


  1. Presenting appreciation Credentials: One of the most important parts of today’s program was the award of appreciation Credentials. This part took place in several steps. At the beginning of the program, Credentials plaques awarded to the elites, and first position holders of each faculty and then special plaques and statues were given to all graduates by the professors of the faculty.
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