New authorities of Student Council is to introduce

Introducing meeting was held in presence of Academic and Students Deputy Deans. In the meeting Dr. Abdul Karim Eskandari, Deputy Dean praised the valuable efforts of Student Council in the past and wanted them to increase such efforts in academic and cultural areas in the future. He promised for further supports of the council in his authority realm as much as possible.

Rohullah Sadiqi, Students’ affairs Deputy Dean, assessed appointing the new key members of the council a positive and worthwhile step towards the progress of council’s activities and added that for better consideration of students’ affairs and complaints, planned and continual activities of the council is essential. Moreover, he asked the council to prepare an operational plan to perform the activities in specified time periods accordingly.

Modarris Shirzad, the council head thanked the mentioned deputy deans and other authorities for their hones supports in the past and showed his optimism about further activities of the Council in the future. Based on the his sayings, Serajuddin Soltani as secretary of council, Mohammad Haroon Rahimi, Saabir Bakhtyari and Abdul Wahid Qasimi as advisers, Sayid Bariz Mahboob as deputy of council for male’s affairs and Zakia Omari as deputy for females affairs, Mohammad Asif Shirzoy as head of Planning and Complaints consideration committee and Ali Reza Ahmadi as head of Cultural Committee were introduced.




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