Political Science Seminar “Afghanistan Peace Talks: Fear and Hope” by Political Science Faculty

Scientific Seminar on Afghanistan Peace Dialogues, Hope and Hope on Thursday, 04/4/13, with passionate bachelor and master students and professors of Khatam al-Nabein University by the Faculty of Political Science in cooperation with Khatam Al-Nubin University Vice-Chancellor for Research & nbsp; Was held. The seminar began with the recitation of the Word of Revelation and then the national anthem of our beloved homeland.
The first speaker at this scientific seminar was Dr. Abdul Qayoum Sajjadi, our nation’s thinker and a well-known painter in the National Assembly who analyzed the issue of Afghan peace talks wisely. He emphasized that reducing Afghan war and peace to the level of internal conflict is a type of language game that seeks to hide foreign and international elements and elements in the continuation of the Afghan war. The role of regional and international elements cannot be ignored in the analysis of Afghanistan’s war and peace.
Dr. Sajjadi analyzed the issue of fear and hope in the Afghan peace talks in a mixed manner. Concerning hopes, he said:

  • Widespread public support for the peace process is a collective will and this is a hope.
  • Deadlock in Taliban’s war policy and regional supporters & nbsp; And their internationalization is also a promising point in the process.
  • The intellectual and cultural transformation of Afghan society, which reflects the national and collective resolve to renovate, is also a promising point in the process.
    Fears: The issue of direct US negotiation with the Taliban, fears of being sacrificed for enormous and historic achievements, and the emergence of a new round of regional and international competition, Dr. Sajjadi described as worrying in the process.
    Following, Mr Javed Ludin, a former State Department political deputy and international affairs analyst, spoke on peace talks. He also stressed that the issue of Afghanistan’s peace process had long been raised and had not yet reached its conclusion, indicating the lack of serious determination on the part of Western countries and major powers.
    Following the question and answer session, the students held peace talks. I would like to sincerely thank all those who contributed to this seminar with the College. I would like to express my sincere thanks to the administrative staff of the Honorable Vice-Chancellor of the University of Khatam al-Nabein P.
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