Awareness Meeting on Covid-19 Epidemics

An awareness meeting entitled “Corona Virus Disease Identification and prevention was held on Thursday, 21 January 2020 in the central building, the library hall of the Khatam Al Nabieen university. the meeting conducted under supervision and training of health expert, Dr. Makarem Naseri Bakhtiari and it was attended by vice chancellors, professors, staffs, students and security guards and service personnel of Khatam Al-Nabieen University (PBUH).

The program began with a few inspiring verses of the Holy Quran by Mr. Alireza Alemi, and then Dr. Makarem Naseri Bakhtiari, the Vice Chancellor for science and Teaching began his awareness presentation about the importance of coronavirus and its identification; Due to the high prevalence and spread of this disease, which started in neighboring country, China and has spread to the Islamic Republic of Iran, and unfortunately has not escaped Afghanistan as positive case has been detected in the city of Heart. The treatment for this disease And the special vaccine has not been prepared yet, so it is a very important issue.

This virus belongs to the coronavirus family which was first identified in the Chinese city of Wuhan, and then it was renamed as NCOVID-19 in 2019.  Two other virus of the same family virus was already identified as called SARS and MERS which had a higher mortality rate than this virus but less contagious feature.

About the symptoms and ways to bayşanslı prevent this disease, Mr. Bakhtiari said, the disease initially starts with fever, cough, sneezing, shortness of breath, body aches and cold symptoms, and in severe cases with severe respiratory problems and etc. As a preventive strategy, he explained three important points: no embracement or hand squeezing, take care of personal hygiene and keep social distance. He emphasized not to embrace or kiss one and other and not to touch eyes, noses and mouths with unwashed hands. He also advise not to eat raw or semi-raw foods and not to have contact with domestic and wild animals, and always cover mouth and nose during cough or sneezing with a tissue or curved elbow.

During the session, he pointed out how to distinguish the suspected person of having the disease? He explained the person-to-person transmission as follows: people who have traveled to China and Iran (Qom city) or have been in contact with the infected person seem suspicious and should be quarantined for at least for two weeks. Likewise, he stressed if anyone has the mentioned symptoms such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath should see a doctor as soon as possible and he also explained about transmission of the disease through air, close contact with infected person, and handling contaminated equipment. And then briefly talked about  treatment of this disease saying so far no definite vaccine or antiviral drug has been developed for the treatment of this virus and so the use of antibiotics has no special effect on the virus and only supportive therapies and anti-malarial drugs (chloroquine), Retonavir antivirus, anti-AIDS drug (Rindizvir) are used to treat this disease.

Finally, Mr. Bakhtiari added, it is true that this disease is fatal and has a high prevalence, but if a person observes personal hygiene and strengthens his body’s immune system, the probability of contracting this disease will be very low. Finally, the program ended with question and answer method, in which the esteemed vice chancellor for scientific and teaching answered the questions of the participants and thanked for their attention in the meeting and also thanked Tamaddon TV for the news coverage of this program.

Reporter: Hadi “Azizi”

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