Master Board Directorate

Head of Department

Dr. Mohammad Wahid Binesh

Phone number: 0778903053

Email address: [email protected]

Degree: Ph.D

Field of study: political thought

Academic Rank: Professor

About the office:

Identifier of Graduate Courses

The post-graduate programs board is a supervisory unit that was formed in 2013, in Khatam-al-Nabeein University (pbuh), and it supervises and evaluates the activity, quality and implementation of programs beyond the bachelor’s degree; In addition, the board can make decisions in the departments assigned by the faculty. From 2013 until now, 1144 students have been recruited and among them, 660 students have graduated in three postgraduate courses.

Khatam-al-Nabieen (PBUH) University currently hosts three postgraduate courses: “International Law”, “Criminal Law and Criminology”, and “International Relations”. The first two fields are from the branches of the law field and related to the faculty of jurisprudence and law, the third field is a part of the political science faculty.

Educational content

The realization and provision of educational goals will be possible through “curriculum content”, this is where the basic importance of “what to teach” and “what to learn” becomes apparent. What is meant by content is “what teaching-learning and applying”; This meaning shows three aspects of the content (“Knowledge and Knowledge”, “Tendency and Belief” and “Skill and Ability”). The board of post-graduate programs of Khatam-al-Nabieen University (PBUH) has based the three principles of “content validity”, “content usefulness” and “content prioritization” in the selection of course content.

Duration of the academic course

The training time here is an academic period (time to complete master’s credits) which is two to three years. Of course, course credits are distributed on the basis of being basic and supplementary in four semesters in such a way that enough time is provided in the fourth semester to prepare a thesis. Students who have been postponed or who have not obtained the required grade in some subjects (provided that the average grade of two semesters is not below the legal limit) can complete course credits for up to three years.

Course credits

A course credit is a course unit that constitutes the curriculum of the study/master’s course, which is determined by dividing the semester and lesson hours for each subject, and it is between forty and forty-eight units in the master’s course. In the postgraduate program of Khatam al-Nabieen (PBUH) University, forty credits are assigned for one study period, and both credits are taught in 32 hours (16 lessons).

Working Field and the future of the postgraduate program

Consciously going through the educational program of this course will change and evolve the job search, human abilities, quality of life and social effects of the graduates (graduates) depending on the healthy atmosphere of the country, among which the following can be mentioned:

Working Field and the career future of law fields

Teaching activity: the successful graduate of the master’s program finds the ability to teach at the bachelor’s level in a field compatible with the master’s degree;
Research activity: It is expected that the creative graduate of this field will have the ability and readiness to conduct specialized scientific research and write legal texts.
Advocacy and representation: after receiving the defense attorney’s license, a graduate of this field can work as a legal lawyer and defense lawyer in companies, institutions and in society;
Judgment and arbitration: a student of this discipline can enter the judiciary and judicial institutions of the country as a specialized judge through the Supreme Court’s judicial internship exam or arbitrate in legal matters;
Counseling and legal guidance: Graduates of the postgraduate program are able to provide constructive and valuable legal and legal advice to natural persons and public and private individuals in the society.
Analysis of laws and drafting of proposed laws: Graduates of the postgraduate program not only have the ability to analyze legal-legal articles and texts, but also have the ability to find or write laws and regulations in the National Council and in government organizations and institutions. to do according to his expertise and commitment;
Government administrative and executive activity: the graduate of this field is expected to work as a chief executive officer or administrative official of the country in the society;
Activity in social institutions: graduates of this field will be able to establish a political or civil institution and work effectively as an expert member in those institutions;
Acting as a guardian: the graduate of the post-graduate course acquires the scientific-legal power to supervise the affairs of the prisoners in a scholarly and law-abiding manner;
Activity in the preparation of contracts: a student of this field, if he has the ability to establish national and international commercial companies, has the ability to work in commercial companies as a managing director or a member of the board of directors, it is expected that he will not have any problems in the preparation and implementation of economic/commercial contracts. .

The field of work and the career future of the field of international relations:

  • Ability to analyze national and international political issues;
  • teaching in political science fields;
  • The ability of scientific research in various branches of political science;
  • The ability to direct political and social currents in line with solid solidarity and national interests;
  • administrative activity in various departments of the government;
  • management and participation in political and civic parties;
  • The ability to represent the government at the national and international level;
  • Active influence in policy making and macro management of the society;
  • Consulting in planning and political orientations.

Educational tools and services

Educational tools and services mean all facilities and equipment that make teaching-learning easier and more effective in the educational environment. The post-graduate program of Khatam-al-Nabieen University (PBUH) has sufficient educational facilities and services:

  • Having standard software for carrying out scientific-research work;
  • having well-decorated classrooms with enough light and space, and equipped with modern technology;
  • having a library with books required for postgraduate courses;
  • having internet with sufficient capacity, speed and duration;
  • Having an active scientific research center;
  • Having a scientific journal for professors and students;
  • Having a virtual Sib database for communication channels and educational matters (such as: course registration, attendance and absence, course policy review, etc.);
  • Having a counseling center, especially providing educational counseling;
  • having a health center and access to medical emergencies;
  • having reproduction facilities in the university;
  • having defense hall and gatherings for students;
  • Having a pleasant and wide green space.

First part: Background structures

Background structures (aspirational goals) are the main pillars of the “Master’s Strategic Plan” that establish the aspiration and scope of the plan and build and structure other parts. The ideal objectives, such as “core values”, “perspective”, “performance”, as well as the identification of the beneficiaries (beneficiaries and beneficiaries) of the master’s program, are the structures that ground the ideal paths (strategies, indicators, measurements and activities):

1-1) Master’s thesis

The document expressing the mission (real identity, current and distinguishing occupation) of Khatam al-Nabieen University’s graduate program is summarized in this phrase:

“Education of committed and expert human resources required by the country at the post-graduate level and active participation in the production and development of humanities”.

1-2) Perspective of postgraduate course

The vision document (showing our desired position in the future) is:

“Achieving the master’s degree program of Khatam-al-Nabieen (PBUH) University, in the top position among similar institutions by using valid academic, research, educational services and social trust standards”.

1-3) Goals

The goals are the long-term and desirable results that the master’s program tries to achieve in fulfilling its mission.

Goal 1: To become an important center in the field of providing postgraduate education services.
Becoming the leading institution in providing educational services beyond the bachelor’s degree depends on improving the education process and expanding the master’s programs to more disciplines.


Goal 2: To be the leader among domestic institutions in the production and dissemination of knowledge in the field of humanities.
In order to be a leader and become a role model among other institutions of higher education in the production and development of knowledge, “research” and “research services” should be taken as a strategy.

Goal 3: Must participate in the development of communication and community development
The necessary and effective contribution to the expansion of relations and social progress relies on the fact that “student satisfaction” increases and internships are strengthened, and on the other hand, the relationship with employers, scientific institutions and social personalities becomes more qualitative and diverse.

Goal 4: systemization and infrastructure development
Having a systematic structure and dealing with valuable school infrastructures is based on taking advantage of educational and research facilities and resources.

1- Law field

ID of the field of law

Legal knowledge is a powerful and rich branch of social knowledge that leaves the creation, navigation and reliability of socially binding rules and regulations to explanation, analysis, interpretation and explanation. This field has many branches, but as mentioned, in Khatam al-Nabiyin University, only “International Law” and “Criminal Law and Criminology” are held.

The attraction of law

The field of law, like the ever-flowing fountains of life, has a lot of exciting trends and rational tendencies. Its attractions as follows:

Knowledge of life: law is the science of life rules; Because in the light of law, learners, in addition to knowing their rights and duties, get to know about teaching and applying, correcting and completing the guaranteed and social life-building rules.

Mental creativity: law is the science of intellectual exercise; The legal mind is the mind involved with legal provisions, covenants and national and international customs, problems and social issues. Inevitably, he thinks of new solutions and innovative solutions and enlightening insights.

Reasoning power: law is the science of reasoning; The foundations, resources, nature, purposes, logic and issues of law are born, nurtured and evolved in the luminous domain of argumentation. In the field of illumination of “right” and destruction of “false”, the jurist needs to arrange reasons.

Social status: the rights of science are social value; In their mental evaluations and intellectual judgments, people regard lawyers as persons with superior talent, more principled, more legalistic and more right-oriented, therefore they trust and respect them.

Employment opportunity: law is the science of labor market and efficiency; The key to the clean labor market, and the culture of decent job opportunities (such as: judgment, representation, guardianship, testament, “guardianship, management, writing evidence and drafting law) should be obtained from the field of law. In a word: law is not a poetic and alien job with the concern of food.

Educational goals of the field of law

What we mean by the goals of the field of law are the situations that the educational program is designed to achieve, the same goal is visible in the surrounding propositions:

  • Knowledge and understanding of the nature, foundations, purposes, sources and logic of the Afghan legal system, international documents and the role of Islamic jurisprudence at this level;
  • Analysis and application of Afghan legal requirements and international documents in international private life, international social and administrative relations;
  • Evaluation and application of mandatory and supplementary rules governing fair political and governmental participation and national and international transactions and interactions;
  • Value attitude and ability to use civil, criminal and judicial rules and principles in the process of filing, handling and defending lawsuits, consulting, judging and resolving international legal and criminal disputes;
  • Skill and creativity in deriving from legal sources, and the ability to educate and nurture human forces relying on the national and international legal system;
  • Preparation and proficiency in conducting scientific-specialized research, writing legal texts, explaining the Islamic legal system and the international legal system with rational arguments and comparing legal systems.

ID of the Faculty of Fiqh and Law of Khatam al-Nabieen University (PBUH)

The Faculty of Jurisprudence and Law is one of the scientific and administrative units that started its activity as the first faculty of Khatam al-Nabieen (PBUH) University in 2006, and until now, it is the ninth graduation of undergraduate students, and the fifth graduation of postgraduate students. Master) has celebrated himself in the fields of “International Law” and “Criminal Law and Criminology”. In addition to benefiting from the teaching and academic cooperation of numerous contract professors in each semester, this faculty has the blessing of a permanent and sufficient academic staff, with educational and research experience, with a high academic rank and academic degree.

2- The field of international law

Identifier of the field of international law

International law is a branch of law that regulates the relations of subjects and members of the international community, and in general, the category of relations in which there is at least one foreign element.

The international law committee of the postgraduate program is an executive unit that is responsible for the regulation, coordination, care and advancement of postgraduate programs in the field of international law in the faculty of jurisprudence and law with the approval and supervision of the board.

ID of the Faculty of Political Science (International Law)

The Faculty of Political Science is one of the scientific and administrative units of Khatam al-Nabieen (PBUH) University, which started its operation in 2007 and has offered five courses of international relations graduates to the society. Permanent faculty professors and many contract teachers in this faculty are engaged in educational and research activities.

3- The field of international relations

Identifier of the field of international relations

The international field is a branch of social sciences that studies the relations between countries, since “security”, “freedom”, “order”, “justice” and “welfare” are five basic values in government systems, international relations Governance explores the foundations and methods of such values in the behavior of governments.

The international relations committee of the graduate program is an executive unit that, under the supervision of the board in the Faculty of Political Sciences, regulates and coordinates the postgraduate programs in the field of international relations.

Educational goals of postgraduate courses

The educational goals of law fields (international law, and criminal law and criminology) are different from the educational goals of international relations; However, the main goal of both fields is to educate committed and expert people.

The attractions of international relations

Political science and international relations benefit from special attractive prospects, such as:

  • The study of basic values: “security”, “freedom”, “order”, “justice” and “welfare” at the national and international level;
  • Influencing the decision-makers who guide the behavior and relations of national and international institutions;
  • Effectiveness in macro management of society and distribution of power;
    Superior social status among people.

Educational goals of international relations

  • Familiarity with classical, modern and post-modern theories in international relations;
  • Analysis and application of international relations theories in the analysis of international issues;
  • Applying and evaluating scientific criteria in reviewing international relations;
  • Ability to use the latest theories of international relations in response to national questions;
  • Skill and creativity in using theoretical concepts and scientific propositions of international relations in order to policy and regulate Afghanistan’s international relations;
  • Preparation in writing rules and issues related to international relations.

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