News and Events

The Scientific-Research Quarterly of Engineering and Technical Sciences was published

Scientific-research quarterly of engineering and technical sciences Special of Technical Science Sixth year, fifth issue,...

A seminar on ways to succeed in obtaining scholarships was held!

This seminar, which was initiated by the Counseling and Career Center in cooperation with the...

The final exams of the spring semester of the academic year 1402 of Khatam Al-Nabieen University were held

The final exams of the spring semester of the academic year 1402 of Khatam al-Nabiin...

Student discourse on economics and the issue of war and peace in international relations

The Faculty of Political Sciences of Khatam-ul-Nabiyin University (PBUH) organized a student discourse under the...

A stress management seminar was held during the exam

Presenter: Nusratullah Osmani   This seminar was held on Wednesday, 31 Juzai 1402, at the...

A briefing was held on the examination bill.

This meeting was hosted by the Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs with the presence of professors...

Scholarship for Medical Students(Women Only)

  Scholarship for Medical students (Women Only) Organization Background The Linda Norgrove Foundation is a...

دانشگاه خاتم النبین(ص)